Boys Super Hero Dresser Drawer Pulls

At the start of the summer, I found myself killing time at a foreign Wal-Mart.

It wasn't my sketchy hometown one, it was one of those sparkly new ones, with the wide aisles, and the baskets with four working wheels, and none of the mid century insane asylum lighting that so many of them seem to be outfitted with.

I was strolling through calmly (none of the SERIOUSLY-I-HAVE-TO-GET-OUT-OF-HERE-IMMEDIATELY anxiety I usually feel) when I stumbled across a piece of magic…


Marvel Comics Fabric.  It's like $23 on Amazon but I think it was maybe half that when I found it at Walmart.

It's so versatile though, right?

If you're a maker you can make so. Many. THINGS.  Pillows and blankets and, and little vests for your Dudes to wear under their suit jackets on Easter.  Or like underwear.  There really aren't things my Dudes wouldn't like if it were covered in this awesome.

I knew immediately what I was going to do with it.

Go ahead, put your skepticism glasses on, because if you know me then you know that me and my craft project sometimes leave a lot to be desired, or, um, to the imagination (see really hideous attempt at a felt board).

I'm woman enough to admit that, from time to time, I sort of overestimate my ability to be amazing with my hands.

But, what I also know is that some of those other times, things turn out awesome.

I kinda think this is one of those times.

For ages we'd been living with these plain pine dressers in The Dudes' room, and by ages I mean, like 10 years.  We bought them to go along with the plain pine bunk beds we bought to move #1 out of the crib to make room for #2.

dressers before

Naturally, 10 years ago I had grand plans for making them pretty.  And then, the baby, and the move, and the other baby, and the puppy, and just life.  I decided that a nap or a day watching Twilight on my couch was just more important than having cool dressers in my kids' room.

Sacrifices, we all make them.

But recently we bunked the beds to make more space for them to spread out, and they only have one window, and their room is so dark and drab, like a dungeon or, in Dude code, a secret lair.  I wanted an easy, unique way to spruce things up and the superhero fabric proved perfect!

So, voila, please meet the superhero dressers…

boys room ideas

They were so easy to make.

I even finished them off with the dog sitting in the dead center of my work area.  Because she would not move.  For anything.  And she thinks every picture ever taken should include her.


DIY Superhero Dresser Makeover Tutorial That Requires You to Infer Often & Use Your Own Creativity But Will Likely Generate Similar Results If You Are So Inclined to Try

diy dresser makeover

  • Remove drawer pulls.
  • Measure (and by measure you know I mean eyeball).
  • Cut.
  • Cover with a thick coat of Mod Podge (which type you use is up to you; you can use the furniture one, or the fabric one, or the glossy one like me) to glue it to the drawer front.  The fabric will look really white and should be soaked through with the stuff.


  • Let dry (until it's not white anymore).
  • Cover with a second coat of Mod Podge.
  • Paint the other drawers, drawer pulls, and cabinet.  Because six fabric covered drawers was more super heroism than my eyes could handle, I went ahead and alternated them with a plain blue paint.
  • Let dry.
  • Reattach drawer pulls.
  • Put back in cabinet.

painted dresser

  • Wait 4 weeks.
  • Spray with an acrylic sealant if you notice that the surface still feels sticky or tacky.
  • Fight the heck outta some crime.

Update: Check out the matching super hero coat coat rack I made them and the super easy Lego table too.

Boys Super Hero Dresser Drawer Pulls


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