What Type of Dog Did the Obamas Have

Pets also featured in presidential elections. Herbert Hoover got a "Belgian Police Dog" (Belgian Malinois),[4] King Tut, during his campaign and pictures of him with his new dog were sent all across the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt was known for having many pets in the White House. He had six children who owned pets varying from snakes, dogs, cats, a badger, birds, guinea pigs, and more.[5]

In 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his fourth term when rumors surfaced that his Scottish Terrier, Fala, had accidentally been left behind when visiting the Aleutian Islands. After allegedly sending back ships to rescue his dog, Roosevelt was ridiculed and accused of spending thousands of taxpayers' dollars to retrieve his dog. At a speech following this Roosevelt said, "you can criticize me, my wife and my family, but you can't criticize my little dog. He's Scotch and all these allegations about spending all this money have just made his little soul furious."[6] What was later called the "Fala speech" reportedly helped secure reelection for Roosevelt.[7]

Richard Nixon was accused of hiding a secret slush fund during his candidacy for vice president under Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. He gave the televised "Checkers speech" named after his cocker spaniel, denying he had a slush fund but admitting, "there is one thing that I did get as a gift that I'm not going to give back."[8] The gift was a black-and-white cocker spaniel, Checkers, given to his daughters. Although there had been talk of Nixon being dropped from the ticket, following his speech he received an increase in support and Mamie Eisenhower reportedly recommended he stay because he was "such a warm person."[9] [10]

Animal lovers were upset when President Lyndon B. Johnson was photographed lifting his beagles, named Him and Her, by their ears. Others did not understand the uproar; former president Harry S. Truman said, "What the hell are the critics complaining about; that's how you handle hounds."[8]

Bill Clinton moved into the White House with Socks, a tuxedo cat, who in 1991 was reported to have jumped into the arms of Chelsea Clinton after piano lessons while the Clintons were living in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was later joined in 1997 by Buddy, a Labrador Retriever, during Clinton's second term.[11] The two reportedly did not get along, with Clinton later saying "I did better with the Palestinians and the Israelis than I've done with Socks and Buddy" while Hillary Clinton said Socks "despised" Buddy at first sight.[12] The two were, however, the subject of a book, Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets written by then First Lady Hillary Clinton and appeared as cartoons in the kids' section of the first White House website.[13]

While George W. Bush was president, he had three dogs and a cat at the White House.[14] Among the canines was Spot Fetcher, an English Springer Spaniel and the offspring of George H. W. Bush's dog, Millie.[15] This made Spotty the first animal to live in the White House under two different administrations, having been born there in 1989 and passed away there in 2004.[16]

Joe and Jill Biden moved into the White House with two German Shepherds, Champ and Major.[22] Major is the first shelter dog in the White House, while Champ is returning to Washington, having joined the Biden family during Joe Biden's tenure as vice-president.[23] The Bidens announced the death of Champ on 19 June 2021.[24]

In addition to traditional pets, this list includes some animals normally considered livestock or working animals that have a close association with presidents or their families. Presidents have often been given exotic animals from foreign dignitaries; occasionally these are kept, but often they are promptly donated to a zoo.

President Pet(s) George Washington
  • Sweetlips,[25] Scentwell and Vulcan[26] (among others)[key 1] – American Foxhounds[a]
  • Drunkard,[25] Taster, Tipler, and Tipsy – Black and Tan Coonhounds[29]
  • Royal Gift – Andalusian donkey,[30] a gift from King Charles III of Spain[31]
  • Nelson (1763–1790) and Blueskin[32] – Horses;[key 2] [33] Washington's wartime mounts
  • Snipe[b] – Parrot[key 3]  Said to have been owned by First Lady Martha Washington.[35]
  • Cornwallis,[36] named for General Cornwallis[36] – Greyhound
  • Samson, Steady, Leonidas, Traveller, Magnolia[37] – Stallions
John Adams
  • Juno, Mark, and Satan[25] – Dogs[key 2]
  • Cleopatra and Caesar[37] – Horses[key 2]
Thomas Jefferson
  • Dick – mockingbird;[key 3] Dick was the favorite from among at least four mockingbirds the president had while in office[38]
  • Bergère and Grizzle – shepherd dogs from France, possibly Briards[29] [39]
  • Two grizzly bear cubs,[key 4] male & female pair, gifted from Captain Zebulon Pike; deeming them "too dangerous & troublesome for me to keep", Jefferson gave them to Charles Willson Peale for his museum in Philadelphia[40]
  • Caractacus – horse, named after Caratacus, a 1st-century British chieftain; offspring of Jefferson's mare Allycroker and a Godolphin Arabian named Young Fearnought[41]
James Madison
  • Polly – Parrot, outlived both James and Dolley Madison[34]
James Monroe
  • Spaniel[29] [key 4] [key 2] – Belonged to youngest daughter, Maria Hester Monroe[42]
John Quincy Adams
  • Silkworms[key 1] [43] – First Lady Louisa Adams spun their silk.[44] [45]
  • An alligator[37] – Said to have belonged to Marquis de Lafayette and housed for two months in the East Room,[c] [d] Although this story has been widely circulated, the lack of evidence from contemporary accounts or official records suggests an apocryphal myth.[49] [50]
Andrew Jackson
  • Polly (or "Poll") – grey parrot, learned to swear (later attended Jackson's funeral but had to be removed due to loud and persistent profanity)[34]
  • Fighting cocks[key 4] [key 1]
  • Bolivia, Emily, Lady Nashville, Sam Patch, and Truxton – Horses[key 2] Sam Patch was named after the famous daredevil known as "The Yankee Leaper"
Martin Van Buren
  • Briefly owned two tiger cubs given to him by Said bin Sultan, Sultan of Muscat and Oman before Congress forced him to donate the tigers to the zoo[45] [51] This story, however, might be the result of a misunderstanding.[52]
William Henry Harrison
  • Sukey – Durham cow[53]
  • Goat
John Tyler
  • Le Beau – Italian Greyhound[29]
  • Johnny Ty – canary. Brought to the White House by Tyler's second wife, Julia Gardiner Tyler[54]
  • the General – Horse[key 2]
James K. Polk
  • None [51]
Zachary Taylor
  • Old Whitey – horse[key 2] Taylor's wartime mount
  • Apollo – Pony;[key 2] formerly a "trick pony" from a circus, a present for Taylor's daughter Betty and resided in the White House stables with Old Whitey[55]
Millard Fillmore
  • Mason and Dixon – ponies[key 2]
Franklin Pierce
  • At least two[e] miniature "teacup" Japanese Chin dogs,[key 4] part of a gift exchange with Japan following the Perry Expedition[56]
  • Two birds from Japan,[key 4] [key 3] which had just opened its trading posts to the United States.
James Buchanan
  • Lara – Newfoundland
  • Punch – Toy Terrier
  • Eagle[key 4] [key 3]
Abraham Lincoln

Old Bob caparisoned in a mourning blanket at Abraham Lincoln's funeral

  • Nanny and Nanko – goats[33]
  • Jack – Turkey,[33] intended as Christmas dinner, but Tad Lincoln intervened[57]
  • Fido – dog,[25] [29] "assassinated"[58] by a drunk with a knife, a few months after Lincoln's assassination;[59] "Fido" became a generic name for a dog because of Lincoln's famous dog[60] [61]
  • Jip – Dog[29]
  • Tabby and Dixie – cats. Lincoln once remarked that Dixie "is smarter than my whole cabinet."[62]
  • Horse[key 4] [key 2]
  • Rabbit[key 4] [key 2]
  • Old Bob – Horse
Andrew Johnson
  • None, however, Johnson fed white mice he found in his bedroom[key 4] [key 1] [51] [63]
Ulysses S. Grant
  • Butcher's Boy, Cincinnati, Egypt, Jeff Davis (his wartime mount), Jennie, Julia, Mary, and St. Louis – Horses.[key 2] Grant purchased Butcher's Boy from a butcher following an impromptu race on D.C. streets where he lost to this horse pulling a butcher's cart.[64] Cincinnati was a thoroughbred of renowned racing pedigree.[65]
  • Billy Button and Reb – Ponies[key 2]
  • Faithful – Newfoundland[29]
  • Rosie – Dog[key 2]
Rutherford B. Hayes
  • Dot – Cocker Spaniel[29]
  • Hector – Newfoundland[29]
  • Duke – English Mastiff[29]
  • Grim – Greyhound[25] [29]
  • Otis – Miniature Schnauzer[29]
  • Juno and Shep – Hunting dogs
  • Jet – dog[key 2]
  • Piccolomini – cat[key 2] (presumably named after the Italian general)
  • Siam – First Siamese cat in the United States[66]
  • Miss Pussy – Siamese cat
James A. Garfield
  • Kit – horse[key 2]
  • Veto[25] – Dog[key 2]
Chester A. Arthur
  • Rabbit[key 4] [key 2]
  • Three horses[key 4] [key 2]
Grover Cleveland
  • Hector – German poodle[29]
  • Mockingbirds[key 4] [key 3] [key 1]
  • Three[67] Dachshunds[29]
  • Gallagher [1] Cocker Spaniel
Benjamin Harrison

Whiskers pulling a cart at the White House, with Russell Harrison and his children

Dash in front of his doghouse

  • Whiskers ("His Whiskers," or "Old Whiskers") – goat,[33] [68] kept at the White House for the president's grandchildren; may have belonged to Russell Harrison[69]
  • Dash – collie[29]
  • Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection – opossums,[70] named from the 1896 Republican party platform,[71] which includes: "Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy and go hand in hand."[72]
  • Two alligators – According to one account, Russell Harrison kept two alligators in the White House conservatory[73]
William McKinley
  • Washington Post (or "Loretta")[54] – Yellow-headed Mexican parrot; could whistle "Yankee Doodle"[34]
  • Valeriano Weyler and Enrique DeLome – Angora kittens; named after Spanish general Valeriano Weyler and Spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lôme
  • Roosters[key 4] [key 1]
Theodore Roosevelt

Roosevelt family with Skip

Illustration of Slippers, the White House cat[f]

  • Admiral Dewey, Bishop Doane, Dr. Johnson, Father O'Grady, Fighting Bob Evans – guinea pigs;[key 2] [75] namesakes: George Dewey, William Croswell Doane, (likely John O'Grady (priest)) and Robley D. Evans
  • Algonquin – "Calico pony" (Shetland),[75] favored by Roosevelt's son Archie[76]
  • Baron Spreckle – Hen,[key 2] [75] likely named after sugar baron Claus Spreckels
  • Bill the Lizard – lizard,[key 3] [75] [77] brought from California and described as a "horned frog"[78] (cf. horned toad); likely named after Lewis Carroll's Bill the Lizard.
  • Blackjack – Manchester Terrier
  • Eli Yale – Hyacinth macaw[75] Named after the British merchant (also College namesake)
  • Emily Spinach – garter snake,[key 3] [75] so named by Roosevelt's daughter Alice because "it was as green as spinach and as thin as my Aunt Emily"[79]
  • Fedelity – pony[key 2]
  • Gem and Susan – dogs[key 2]
  • Jack[75] and Peter – Terriers[key 2] [29]
  • Jonathan Edwards – small black bear from West Virginia[75] named after the religious leader, an ancestor of Mrs. Roosevelt;[80] eventually sent to the Bronx Zoo[81]
  • Jonathan – Piebald rat[key 3]
  • Josiah (or "Josh")[78] – Badger[key 3] [75] During a railroad tour of the West, the president acquired two-week-old Josiah at a stop in Sharon Springs, Kansas[82]
  • Manchu – Pekingese[29] [75]
  • Maude – Pig[75]
  • Peter Rabbit – Rabbit;[key 3] [75] was given a "proper state" funeral[83] Cf. Peter Rabbit.
  • Pete – Bull Terrier,[29] [75] [25] exiled to Long Island "after chomping on one too many legs"[84]
  • Rollo – Saint Bernard
  • Skip – mongrel[29] [75]
  • Sailor Boy – Chesapeake Bay Retriever[29] [75]
  • Tom Quartz and Slippers – Cats,[key 2] Tom Quartz was named after a cat in a Mark Twain story.[85]
  • Bill – laughing hyena, gift from Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia[86]
  • Barn owl
  • Fierce[87] – one-legged rooster[75]
William Howard Taft
  • Caruso – dog,[key 2] a gift for Taft's daughter Helen from opera singer Enrico Caruso; after a White House performance, he decided that cows were not appropriate pets for a little girl[88]
  • Mooly Wooly[key 2] and Pauline Wayne – Cows. Pauline (or "Miss Wayne") was a Holstein of considerable fame; she "went missing" for two days.[89]
Woodrow Wilson
  • Davie – Airedale Terrier[29]
  • Old Ike – Ram,[90] led the flock of sheep[52]
  • Puffins – cat[key 2] [90]
  • Bruce – Bull Terrier[90]
  • songbirds[key 4] [key 3] [key 1]
  • Sheep,[key 4] numbering 48 at its peak,[91] the flock kept the White House lawn trimmed "in the most economical way";[90] the wool being sold to benefit the Red Cross[92]
Warren G. Harding

  • Laddie Boy (July 26, 1920 – January 23, 1929) – Airedale Terrier[25] [29]
  • Old Boy – Bulldog[29]
  • Petey – canary[93]
  • Pete – Squirrel[94] [95]
Calvin Coolidge

  • Rob Roy (1922–1928) and Prudence Prim – White collies[29]
  • Peter Pan – Wirehair Fox Terrier,[96] [29] the Coolidges' first White House dog;
  • Paul Pry – Airedale Terrier,[29] half-brother of Warren Harding's Laddy Boy[96]
  • Calamity Jane – Shetland Sheepdog[29]
  • Tiny Tim and Blackberry – Chow Chows[29]
  • Ruby Rouch – collie[29]
  • Boston Beans – Boston bulldog[29]
  • King Cole – Belgian Sheepdog (Groenendael)[97]
  • Palo Alto ("Palo") – A black and white English Setter, a bird dog that Coolidge soon gave to Colonel Starling,[96] chief of the Secret Service detail in the White House
  • Bessie – collie
  • Rebecca – raccoon,[key 3] [98] [97] Rebecca was intended for a Thanksgiving feast; First Lady Grace had a tree-house built for her instead[96] [99]
  • Reuben – A male raccoon acquired as a companion for Rebecca; soon escaped and not recovered[99]
  • Ebeneezer – Donkey
  • Nip and Tuck – canaries, both olive green in color; the Coolidges' first birds[96]
  • Peter Piper and Snowflake – Two more canaries; Snowflake was white[96]
  • Goldy – A "yellow bird"[key 3] [97] [96]
  • Do-Funny – a trained songbird (troupial)[key 3] from South America;[96] said to be Mrs. Coolidge's favorite bird[97]
  • Enoch – goose[key 3]
  • Smoky – bobcat
  • Blacky and Tiger (or "Tige") – cats[key 2] [96] [97]
  • Tax Reduction and Budget Bureau – lion cubs from Johannesburg, South Africa[97]
  • Billy – pygmy hippopotamus, full name: William Johnson Hippopotamus[100]
  • A wallaby – Promptly given to a zoo[97]
  • A duiker (a very small type of antelope) — Also sent to the zoo[97]
  • Bruno – A black bear from Chihuahua, Mexico; Mrs. Coolidge promptly sent him to a zoo[97]
  • Pekin Ducks – Thirteen ducklings were received as an Easter gift; Mrs. Coolidge attempted to raise them in a White House bathroom, but eventually sent them to a zoo[97]
Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover with King Tut

  • Billy Possum – A wild opossum that occupied Rebecca's vacant tree-house and was "adopted" by the Hoovers;[99] temporarily filled in for a local high school's missing mascot[101] [102] The name likely derives from a nickname used for the 27th president, William Howard Taft.[103]
  • Caruso – A Roller canary[4]
  • King Tut – Belgian Shepherd[104] [105] (Malinois variety)[4]
  • Pat – German Shepherd[104]
  • Big Ben and Sonnie – Fox Terriers[29] [106]
  • Glen – Scotch Collie[29]
  • Yukonan – Canadian Eskimo Dog[29]
  • Patrick – Irish Wolfhound[104]
  • Eaglehurst Gillette – Setter[104]
  • Weegie – Norwegian Elkhound[4]
Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Fala (April 7, 1940 – April 5, 1952) – Scottish Terrier[33]
  • Major – German Shepherd[104] Formerly a police dog from the New York State Police[107] After a number of White House biting incidents, he was sent to live at Roosevelt's private residence in Hyde Park, New York.[108]
  • Meggie – Scottish Terrier[104]
  • Winks – Llewellyn Setter[104]
  • Tiny – Old English Sheepdog[104]
  • President – Great Dane[25] [104]
  • Blaze – Bullmastiff[104]
Harry S. Truman
  • Feller – Cocker Spaniel,[104] [109] because the Trumans "preferred to be a pet-free family" he was given as a puppy to Truman's personal physician[110] and claimed to not be a "pet lover" [2]
  • Mike – Irish Setter[104]
Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Gabby – parakeet[111]
  • Heidi – Weimaraner[112]
John F. Kennedy

  • Gaullie – poodle[113]
  • Charlie – Welsh Terrier[104]
  • Tom Kitten – cat[key 2] [114]
  • Robin – canary[114]
  • Bluebell and Marybelle – parakeets[114]
  • Ducks – JFK's daughter, five-year-old Caroline raised ducklings at the White House.[115] Ongoing conflicts with their terrier Charlie prompted sending them to Rock Creek Park.[116]
  • Macaroni – pony[117]
  • Tex – bay Yakut pony[114]
  • Leprechaun – Connemara pony, a gift from President of Ireland, Éamon de Valera[118]
  • Moe – Doberman Pinscher[114]
  • Billie and Debbie – hamsters[114]
  • Pushinka – dog (gift of Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev, puppy of Soviet space dog Strelka)[25]
  • Shannon – Cocker Spaniel[104]
  • Wolf – Dog, mix of Irish Wolfhound and Schnauzer[119]
  • Clipper – German Shepherd[120]
  • Butterfly, White Tips, Blackie, and Streaker – Offspring of Pushinka and Charlie[104]
  • Zsa Zsa – rabbit
  • Sardar – horse[key 2] [121]
Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Him and Her – beagles[104] [122] [123]
  • Edgar – beagle[25] [104] [122] [123]
  • Blanco – white collie[104] [122] [123]
  • Freckles – beagle[104]
  • Yuki – mongrel dog[104] [122] [123] famous for "singing duets" (howling) with the President for White House guests[124]
  • hamsters[key 2]
  • lovebirds[key 3] [125]
Richard Nixon

King Timahoe, Vicki and Pasha looking out the window in the White House

  • Vicki – poodle[104] [126]
  • Pasha – terrier[104] [126]
  • King Timahoe – Irish Setter[104] [126] [127]
  • Checkers[25] (1952– September 9, 1964)[g] – Cocker Spaniel
Gerald Ford

Susan Ford & Shan the Siamese cat

Susan Ford, daughter of Gerald Ford, and the family's siamese cat, Shan, in 1974

Ford and Liberty in the Oval Office

Ford and Liberty in the Oval Office

  • Liberty (February 8, 1974 – 1984) – Golden Retriever[104]
  • Lucky – dog[25]
  • Misty – Liberty's puppy, born in the White House
  • Shan – Siamese cat[128]
Jimmy Carter

  • Grits – Border collie (mix);[104] [129] Given to his daughter Amy by her teacher, but quickly returned[130] after snapping at several White House visitors[25]
  • Lewis Brown – Afghan hound[131]
  • Misty Malarky Ying Yang, daughter Amy Carter's pet – Siamese cat[98]
Ronald Reagan

Reagan family pet spaniel, Rex


Ronald Reagan on El Alamein

Ronald Reagan on El Alamein

  • Lucky (October 4, 1983 – January 5, 1995) – Bouvier des Flandres[132] [133] [134]
  • Rex (December 16, 1984 – August 31, 1998) – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.[134] [135]
  • Victory – Golden Retriever[133] [134]
  • Peggy – Irish Setter[133] [134]
  • Taca – Siberian Husky[133] [134]
  • Fuzzy – Belgian sheepdog[133] [134]
  • Horses (El Alamein (1971-1998), Nancy D, Baby, Little Man, No Strings and others) at Rancho del Cielo[136] [137]
  • Cleo and Sara – tortoiseshell cats at Rancho del Cielo[138]
George H. W. Bush

  • Millie (January 12, 1985 – May 19, 1997) – Springer Spaniel.[25]
  • Ranger (March 17, 1989 – April 10, 1993) – one of Millie's puppies[104] [139]
Bill Clinton

  • Socks (March 15, 1989 – February 20, 2009) – cat.[68]
  • Buddy (August 7, 1997 – January 2, 2002) – chocolate Labrador retriever.[68]
George W. Bush

  • Spot "Spotty" Fetcher (March 17, 1989 – February 21, 2004) – female English Springer Spaniel named after Scott Fletcher; Puppy of Millie;[25] Euthanized after suffering a series of strokes.
  • Barney (September 30, 2000 – February 1, 2013) – Scottish Terrier.[25] [140]
  • Miss Beazley (October 28, 2004 – May 17, 2014) – Scottish Terrier; Nicknamed "Beazley Weazley"; 2005 birthday gift from George to his wife.[25] [140]
  • India "Willie" (July 13, 1990 – January 4, 2009) – cat
  • Ofelia – Longhorn cow (lives at Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch)
Barack Obama

  • Bo (October 9, 2008 – May 8, 2021) – Portuguese Water Dog.[25]
  • Sunny (born June 11, 2012) – Portuguese Water Dog.[141] [142]
Donald Trump None [143] Joe Biden

Biden with Champ and Major

  • Champ[144] (November 11, 2008 – June 19, 2021) – German Shepherd Dog
  • Major[144] (born January 17, 2018) – German Shepherd Dog

What Type of Dog Did the Obamas Have

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets

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