I Get a Black Screen With My Ubd-k8500

  • #1

I took delivery of a Samsung ks8000 TVs today. (My first 4K TV). After setting up everything looked good except my Panasonic DMP-BDT220 Blu ray player where every so often the picture goes completely black then after a second or two returns. The period in between blackouts appears random.
The Blu ray player is connected to my Denon amp which then connects to the Samsung tv.
Hoping someone here might recognise this issue and have a solution.

  • #2

Tried a replacement HDMI lead?
Tried it direct to the Tv?

  • #4

Tried a replacement HDMI lead?
Tried it direct to the Tv?

Ordered a high speed hdmi cable last night.

I have done a fix that works at the moment by connecting direct to the TV with an HDMI cable (borrowed from my bedroom TV) I have also run an optical lead from the tv to the amp.

Sounds very much like a lead issue. However make sure all video conversions are off on the Denon amp.

I will check the settings on the amp tonight.

Thanks to Jaycee and Gibbsy for taking the time to reply.

  • #6

No need to buy any over-priced QED HDMI lead, any lead marketed as high speed will do.

  • #7

I had a similar blackout issue on my Panasonic Freesat PVR-come-BR player, and the problem only occured when playing back BRs, never DVDs. I never really got to the bottom of the issue but the almost throwaway comment in the handbook was probably the fix, which went something along the lines of 'You might see picture issues if the player is connected to a switch with more than three other devices. If so, disconnect a device to reduce the count to below four devices.'. At the time, I was routing the player through my soundbar and the Panasonic was the fourth device. I moved one device (not the Panasonic) from the soundbar and connected it directly to my TV and thereafter the Panasonic player behaved perfectly. Coincidence? Maybe, but that for me was the fix.


  • #8

Problem sorted!!... Having now replaced the hdmi cables between Blu ray player and amp and amp to tv, there is no sign of the 'black screen'.

  • #9

Good that you have it sorted, but I've yet to find an issue fixed by replacing cables. They either work or they don't. However, I am always careful to use screened HDMI cables and to keep them clear of other input cable types, as HDMI cables have been known to cause odd interference issues.


  • #10

Good that you have it sorted, but I've yet to find an issue fixed by replacing cables. They either work or they don't.


Thats what I always understood. However, swapping my old cables for new high speed ones has definitely worked

  • #11

Ah, there may well be differences in the cable spec. to consider, so yes, that could well help. I replaced all of my HDMI cables for high spec. versions awhile back, so in my case, I was reasonably sure that it wasn't cable related.


  • #17

i see.. so, this may cause because too many things are connected??

No, he doesn't mean too many things connected.
He means disconnecting all equipment from the power then reconnecting will reload the software and may just fix the problem.

  • #19

hmm.. u mean that i reset my receiver ot blu ray player??

No, not reset, power cycle.
Unplug all equipment from the power socket, wait 10-15mins, plug all equipment back in, switch on and see if you still have the same problem.

I Get a Black Screen With My Ubd-k8500

Source: https://www.avforums.com/threads/blu-ray-intermittent-black-screen.2056857/

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